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Gordon Marshall Patterson

Professor | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts: School of Arts and Communication

Contact Information
(321) 674-7382
Frederick C. Crawford Bldg, 622

Personal Overview

Keynote speaker Florida Mosquito Control Association Annual Meeting November 2022

Keynote speaker at University of Florida 2018 Fregly Interdisciplinary Symposium: Mosquito-borne Illnesses in the Americas

Keynote speaker at Tri-annual Workshop of the of Department of Defense Armed Forces Pest Management Board and recipient of U.S. Army, Air Force, and Navy recognition for contributions to the history mosquito and vector-borne diseases March 2018

Keynote speaker in Whitney and Anna Harris Conservation Forum,  Mosquitoes: Ecology, Disease Vectors and Control  University of Missouri at St. Louis and Missouri Botanical Garden  November 2016

Keynote address Australian Mosquito Control Association Bi-Annual Meeting  September 2016

Keynote address European Mosquito Control Association Speyer, Germany March 2016

Invited to lead Bloomberg School of Public Health to lead Department of Molecular Biology and Immunology Seminar, Johns Hopkins University, April 2014

Memorial Lecture, American Mosquito Control Association, February 2014

China Field Study Summer 2011 Award from Chinese Ministry of Education, Peking University, and Asian Studies Development Program (University of Hawaii and East West Center)

Presidential Award, American Mosquito Control Association, March 2010

Alpha Phi Foundation Chapter Award for Excellence in Teaching, April 1999.

Educational Background

B.S. Northwestern University 1970
Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles 1979

Professional Experience

Dr. Patterson has received six awards from the National Endowment for the Humanities. In 1998 and 2003, he taught the summer semesters in Seoul, Korea, and Misawa, Japan as part as part of the University of Maryland's Asian division. Patterson received a Fulbright Travel Study Grant in 2004 for research in Malaysia and Indonesia. He is the past chair of the social science section of the Florida Academy of Science, a former director of the Florida Historical Society, former director of the Florida Humanities Council, and past member of Board of Advisers to Florida Defenders of the Environment. In 1994, Dr. Patterson was named to the panel of judges for the Eugene M. Emme Astronautical Literature Award, given by the American Astronautical Society.

Current Courses

Introduction to Asian Civilization

Environmental History

History of Science (Ancient and Medieval)

History and Culture of China

History and Culture of Japan

U.S. History (Reconstruction to Present)

Civilization (Ancient and Medieval)

Civilization (Renaissance and Modern)

Selected Publications

Recent Books:

The Mosquito Crusades: A History of the American Anti-Mosquito Movement from the Reed Commission to the First Earth Day, Rutgers University Press, 2009.

The Mosquito Wars: A History of Mosquito Control in Florida, University Presses of Florida, 2004

Florida Institute of Technology: A College History, Arcadia Press, 2000.

Ancient History: 4500 BCE to 500 CE The Emergence of Western Civilization, Research and Education Association, 1990.

Medieval History: 500 to 1450 CE The Middle Ages, Research and Education Association, 1990.

Recent Book Chapters:

History of Florida Mosquito Control in Florida Mosquito Control edited by Aaron Lloyd, Douglas Carlson and Roxanne Connelly,  Florida Coordinating Council on Mosquito Control, 2018.

The Trial of Amos Quito in Paradise Lost: An Environmental History of Florida edited by Jack Davis, University Presses of Florida, June 2005.

A Brief History of Mosquito Control, Handbook on Florida Mosquito Control, Florida Mosquito Control Association and University of Florida. 2005.

Recent Articles:

Patterson, G.M., The Centenary of the Florida-Anti Mosquito Association 1922-2011, Wing Beats 33:4 (Winter), 2022, 5-10.

-----.  Keep Everlastingly at it: Florida’s War on the Mosquito Menace, Wing Beats, 32:3, (Fall) 29-41, 2021.

-----.  The Genesis of Mosquito Control in New Zion, Wing Beats 31:4 (Winter), 7-16, 2020.

-----.  William Richard Opp: A Life Well Lived Helping Others, Journal of the American Mosquito

         Association, 35, 3, 238-240

-----.  An American Original: Edward F. Andrews, Wing Beats 30:1 (Spring), 31-41, 2019.

-----.    Looking Backward, Looking Forward: The Long, Torturous Struggle with Mosquitoes,             Insects, 7, 4 2016

"2014 Memorial Lecture Honoree: Founding Mothers: Women, Entomology, and Mosquito Control," Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 30.3 (2014), 239-245.

"Mosquito Control and the American Race to Space,"  Wing Beats 24:1 (Spring 2013), 5-13.

AMCA: The Seventy-Five Year History," American Mosquito Control Association March 2010.

Blood, Money and Power:  Politics and Mosquito Control from the State House to the White House, Proccedings  of the Sity-first Annual Meeting of the Utah Mosquito Abatement Association, Park City Utah, October 5-7, 2008, 11-20.

Sometimes a Great Notion: John B. Smith and the Origins of the American Mosquito Crusade, Proceedings and Papers of the Ninety-Fourth Annual Meeting of the New Jersey Mosquito Control Association, Atlantic City, March 9-11, 2007.

John B. Smith Chronology, Newsletter of the New Jersey Mosquito Control Association 19:2 (May 2007), 6-9.

Utahs Unique Role in the American Anti-Mosquito Crusade, Proceedings and Papers of the Fifty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Utah Mosquito Abatement Association, St. George, Utah, October 1-3, 2006 (May 2007) 1-5.

Butter Knives, Watermelon Seeds, and Entomological Research: The Origins of the Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory, Wing Beats 17:3-4 (Fall Winter 2006), 24-31.

Patterson, G.M. War and Entomology: Clara Ludlow, Wing Beats 14:1 (Spring 2003), 14-16.

Patterson, G.M. Distance Learning and Asian Studies, Education About Asia, 7, 1 (Spring 2002), 48-52.

Patterson, G.M. Pioneers in Mosquito Control: Leland Ossian Howard, An American Original, Wing Beats, 12, 3 / 4 (Fall/Winter 2001), 5-10.

Patterson, G.M. Keep the Everlastingly At It! Part I: The Origins of Mosquito Control in Florida, Wing Beats: 
An Official Publication of the American Mosquito Control Association, Volume 11, No. 4 (Winter 2000/2001), 6-11.

Patterson, G.M. Keep Everlastingly At It! Part II: The Formation of the Florida Anti-Mosquito Association, Wing Beats: An official Publication of the American Mosquito Control Association, Volume 12, No. 1 (Spring 2001), 5-10.

Patterson, G.M. 2000. Space University: The Lift-Off of Florida Intitute of Technology, Florida Historical Quarterly, Volume 79, No. 1 (Summer 2000), 47-68.

Patterson, G.M. 1999. The Skirted Soldiers: The Women's Army Corps in Daytona, Forum: Magazine of the Florida Humanities Council (winter 1999/2000).

Patterson, G.M., 1999. Missiles as Artifacts. Florida Historical Quarterly, LXXVII, No. 2 (fall): 163-180.

Patterson, G.M. 1999. missiles as Artifacts, Florida Historical Quarterly, LXXVII, No. 2 (Fall), 163-180.

Patterson, G.M. 1998. Countdown to College: Launching Florida Institute of Technology. Florida Historical Quarterly, LXXVII, No. 2 (fall): 163-180.

Recognition & Awards

College of Psychology and Liberal Arts Professor of the Year 2020

Lambda Chi Alpha Faculty Member of the year 2013-2014

Faculty Service Award 2011-2012

Florida Tech Alumni Association Outstanding Faculty Award 1995

Faculty Teaching Award 1992-1993

Faculty Service Award 1988-1989


Mosquito Control

History of Entomology

Emerging Diseases and Pathogens

Research & Project Interests

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